Wednesday, February 4, 2015

On The Hunt For Blythe

I have been searching for Kenner Blythe dolls since early 2000s locally and abroad.  Whenever I am in an area I always try to find some searching time.  I haven't found a vintage KB doll in person as of yet but I won't ever stop trying.  I did, however, come up with a method to help me save up for dolls by finding neat things on the way and pretty much selling them for dolly FU money. lol

So anyways as late I was thinking to make a post on this blog and post actual pics on Blythe411 regarding the search. It's fun and it's also a bit inspirational I find too.  Recently a gentleman found a watch at the Goodwill for $5.95 and turned around and sold it for $35,000!!!  Well guess where I went right after I heard that! haha  Okay.  So I didn't find that watch but I did find some other neat things I photographed and even purchased.

I have come across some pretty neat and weird things so the new picture thread has a few of the things I have encountered during my retro quest.  It's so much fun.  It truly is "the thrill of the hunt".  And to be rewarded on top.  It's truly my soma.

I know that I probably will not find a 1972 Kenner Blythe doll anytime soon, if ever, in person.  But at least I can save up for them and buy them off of online auctions!

Hope everyone kind is doing well and having a great week so far!  I also wish those looking for our favorite dolly the best of luck in your search.  I really hope you find one or more or other neat things that are worth something for your blythe doll bank.

Big Hugs,

Annablythedoll xo


  1. I look at antique stores sometimes.

    1. Antique stores are a great place to look. Estate sales, church sales and garage sales too! :D I came close once at an antique market in 2001. Two weeks prior she sold a red head KB for $20 Canadian. She then told me to try eBay. lol
