Thursday, November 7, 2024
Recently Back From An East Coast Canada Road Trip With Blythe For Halloween!
Sold 2 Neo Blythes But No Longer Selling Others Right Now
I decided to not sell off all my dolls. I sold two of my Ashton Drake Blythes Kozy Kape and Medieval Mood to a nice lady in the UK but after that I decided to hold off. I started playing with my dolls again by dressing them up, making clothes and taking pictures. I made that purple bad and skull dress for my Gina recently too. I got the pattern free from Blythe 411 Facebook Group.
Currently I'm at 20 full size Blythe dolls, 7 Petite Blythe dolls and one Middie. Selling the two dolls made me miss them also so I'm still not ready to go to one doll yet. Maybe in five or ten years but not right now. I don't really collect many things anyways and I stopped buying new dolls so there is no harm having the dolls I have now.
Anyways, that's the current update with my Blythe doll collection. I will be posting another blog shortly about my East Coast Canada road trip with my Lounging Lovely SBL Blythe doll Veronica aka mini me. It was such a great time! Road trips are a bit of work but a lot of fun and great memories were had! I hope you all are doing well. I'm still on my AnnaBlytheDoll facebook so please feel free to add me!
AnnaBlytheDoll xo