Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Found And Purchased A Sophia Loren Looking Blythe Doll!


I was looking for a short haired wig for my Selena Gomez Blythe doll and I found this little darling diva instead!  It comes with a bunch of different hands too that I can change up.  I've never had this type of Blythe like doll before.  I did have a couple other fakes but I gave them to my niece because she started liking Blythe and I made her outfits for them too.  All the details are on Blythe411 The Original and Off Topic Blythe Facebook group!

 I have a total of 23 full sized Blythe dolls including the new girl, 1 Middie Blythe and 6 Petite Blythe dolls.  To think I was trying to get down to only one full sized Blythe doll!  I was in a lot of pain though because I lost my father and my 15 and a half year old dog.  It wasn't long enough, I wish my darling little Franco could have lived until at least 50.  I miss him so much and my dad too but I am fortunate to have such great memories and lots and lots of pictures and even some video of them too!  I really wish my father could have lived much longer also! 

 I realized that my dolls are necessary in my life because they bring me joy and relaxation.  It's also a great way to get out my creative side and share my beautiful pictures of my dolls.  When I sell a doll I end up missing her so it's best not to.  I even bought a few back too not of the same doll but of one just like them.  

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!  


AnnaBlytheDoll xo



Tuesday, March 11, 2025

My Selena Gomez Inspired Blythe Doll is Complete But!

I received the wig for my little Selena today and it was a bit small.  The seller stated it was a Blythe accessory but I think it was for a BJD.  I stretched it and made it fit but it's not secure or anything.  It looks really great though so I am going to keep it but I'm not buying from them again.  I did ask on Blythe Customization Facebook group what I could do to make it fit better but no word back yet.  I also asked the seller what I could do and hopefully they will respond back soon.  

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

I'm Working On My Selena Gomez Inspired Blythe Doll Custom ~ Updating My Custom Doll I Did Years Ago!

My Selena Gomez inspired custom so far! I already customized my EBL Cinnamon Girl so long ago but I wanted to update and I wanted a change so I ordered a new wig this morning and did a face up with chalk pastels for the eyes and cheeks and acrylic paint for the lips. I put on new false eyelashes and I'm going to pick out a new outfit for her to wear!

The wig I ordered today for such an amazing price and cheap shipping!  All the info is on Blythe411 The Original & Off Topic Blythe!  

My original custom Blythe Doll that was cute I did years ago but I felt it needed an update 

The base doll an EBL Cinnamon Blythe Doll

I can't wait to get my wig but it won't show up until March 20th!  I hope it comes sooner and not later!!!  Now all I have to do is pick out a new outfit or make something for my new custom gal!  I'm so excited.  I like that I can buy a wig and change the makeup every so often whenever I feel the need because I don't want to buy tons of dolls for one and I like change to be honest.  Plus it's much cheaper to update a wig, outfit and a new face up too!  Maybe even change the eye chips too!  I like the existing eye chips from before I changed on my original custom so I don't have to change them.  I did change the false eye lashes because the old ones broke down and I had to replace them.  I asked in the customization group if we can use regular makeup because I find the chalk pastels don't really show up on the eyes that much but regular makeup has oil and will stain the doll so I decided to pass on using it.  I did ask what I could do to make the chalk pastels stand out more on the eyes?  I will update this post if I learn of anything.  

I don't want to freak out my husband anymore with my bald custom Blythe doll so I put an old wig on her in the meantime while waiting on her Selena looking wig. Lol I have a 1972 blonde Kenner Blythe wig I'm going to try on her too!  My Selena is my custom Blythe doll wig girl!  So much fun!!

Well that's it for now!  I hope you all have a wonderful day or evening!  Blog again hopefully soon!


AnnaBlytheDoll xo

Friday, February 21, 2025

Gina Is A Rare Beauty In A Selena Gomez Inspired Outfit


I was searching for something fashionable and fresh for my lovely Gina to wear and I went though my box of dolly clothes and pulled out a cute pink polka sparkly dress I found in a thrift shop that I think is barbie and a sparkly pinkish mauve knit cardigan that I found at a parking lot sale. I had some adorable sparkly clear Takara Blythe shoes also! This is the look I got inspired by Selena Gomez. I call it My Rare Beauty. Yes I'm a fan of hers! She dropped a new single yesterday and I caught the premier on Youtube! Selena is such a talented and beautiful girl inside and out too. She has been through a lot but she keeps smiling and not let that nasty stuff get to her. I think she's a great role-model! ❤ Do you have an outfit you put together on your Blythe you'd like to share? Please feel free to post it on here too or if you are a member of my Facebook Group Blythe 411 The Original and Off Topic Blythe! Thanks and I hope you all have a great weekend! xo

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Recently Back From An East Coast Canada Road Trip With Blythe For Halloween!



I find that fall is a good time to travel.  It's not that hot usually and it's not busy.  Hotels are priced better out of season too.  We usually fly to visit our family in Halifax but this time my husband wanted to do a road trip so we could see more sights along the way!  It was mild and warm this fall so we were lucky. First stop was Montreal then Quebec City in Quebec.  In Quebec City we went to a Halloween exhibition at the city hall and fair downtown.  Next was New Brunswick where we saw the Grand Falls and coasted up Magnetic Hill, then PEI aka Prince Edward Island where our hotel had a neat little pumpkin carving contest and then Halifax where we had a wonderful time with our family out there.  We even went to a Christmas Fair on Friday night.  It was so much fun.  On Halloween day we spent the afternoon thrifting and we went to 5 thrift shops!  It was so wonderful!  So many cute and interesting things but no Blythe dolls.  Oh well it was such a great time anyways.  Then we went to a local place for dinner with a great view.  We actually saw a massive murder of crows Halloween evening fly back to their home.  It was so creepy!  We left Halifax a couple days after and began our trip home.  The ferry to the US was closed so we decided just to drive back from Canada.  Next time we will be driving through the states to Halifax!  I posted all the pictures on my AnnaBlytheDoll Facebook.  Please add me as a friend or follow me if you like.  
AnnaBlytheDoll xo

Sold 2 Neo Blythes But No Longer Selling Others Right Now


I decided to not sell off all my dolls.  I sold two of my Ashton Drake Blythes Kozy Kape and Medieval Mood to a nice lady in the UK but after that I decided to hold off.  I started playing with my dolls again by dressing them up, making clothes and taking pictures.  I made that purple bad and skull dress for my Gina recently too.  I got the pattern free from Blythe 411 Facebook Group.  

Currently I'm at 20 full size Blythe dolls, 7 Petite Blythe dolls and one Middie.  Selling the two dolls made me miss them also so I'm still not ready to go to one doll yet.  Maybe in five or ten years but not right now.  I don't really collect many things anyways and I stopped buying new dolls so there is no harm having the dolls I have now.  

Anyways, that's the current update with my Blythe doll collection.  I will be posting another blog shortly about my East Coast Canada road trip with my Lounging Lovely SBL Blythe doll Veronica aka mini me.  It was such a great time!  Road trips are a bit of work but a lot of fun and great memories were had!  I hope you all are doing well.  I'm still on my AnnaBlytheDoll facebook so please feel free to add me!



AnnaBlytheDoll xo

Friday, August 26, 2022

Update! Couldn't Do It!! On My Journey From Twenty-Five Neo Sized Blythe Dolls To One

My completed Blythe Doll Collection
I've been collecting Blythe dolls since 2001 and my first Blythe doll was a 1972 Kenner Blythe doll that I found for $15 US thanks to a Pennysaver ad.  

My first Full Sized Blythe doll a 1972 Kenner Blythe

I went on to amass over 25 full sized Blythe dolls but I sold a few along the way.  Now I am determined to sell off all but one of my dolls.  You see my beloved dog passed away in February 2022 and I was truly heartbroken.  I all of a sudden had to declutter to get my mind off of it.  I began selling things I didn't use or need anymore online and then I decided to start saving for another puppy.  I even sold off my Playstation one with my favorite Crash Bandicoot games for $250 Canadian!!  I hadn't played it in years and it was just sitting there.  

 I felt that all those things were a burden and if I wanted to travel the world someday then I had better start now anyways.  I felt great doing it... lighter and more free.  I decided why stop there why not sell all my cute dolls too!  I never take pictures or make clothes for them them anymore so why not sell them too.

I sold my first neo blythe doll last week!  It was a rare Ashton Drake Blythe doll Medieval Mood for $500 Canadian plus shipping on eBay.  Ebay and Paypal took a cut so it ended up being around $430 Canadian when all was said and done.  I wasn't even sad and I just want the doll in the buyers hands asap.  I hate dolly mail!  It's so frustrating!  Fortunately it arrived in their country and is on it's way to them now. 

The first of my full sized Blythe Dolls I sold!

Prior to my selling the doll I gave my niece two of my fake Blythe dolls because she started collecting them.  I also made her some cute clothes for them too. I am going to list another doll shortly, decided to take my time and sell one dolly at a time because am in no rush and not desperate. I have them listed high with the offer turned on because it's better than having them sit and sit and sit. I determine that high number on how much I paid for the doll and how much I think that they might be worth but it's the market that always prevails. 

It's hard to put a price on a Blythe doll now a days because it's all aftermarket. I do search eBay using the advanced search under the solds. That sometimes gives me a good idea but the Ashton Drake Medieval Doll mint in box had no solds up. I knew that it was limited and rare so I started really high hoping that others would agree but it sat and sat so I decided to add the offer feature for no additional cost and it worked. Listing on eBay Canada is free for me too as long as you don't go over the monthly listing amount. I tried selling on Facebook MarketPlace that charges no fees but no luck. 

I decided to keep my SBL Blythe Doll LL for Lounging Lovely who some have said is my mini me!  I call her Veronica and she's my absolute favorite.  I will not be selling that dolly ever. 


Anyways, I will keep you all posted! 


Annablythedoll xo